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A Day in the Life: Mat Fraser, 4x Fittest Man on Earth

A Day in the Life: Mat Fraser, 4x Fittest Man on Earth

Coming up on the 2020 CrossFit Games, we checked in with Beam athlete and 4x Fittest Man on Earth, Mat Fraser, to see what his day looks like. 


What time do you wake up during the work week, and what's the first thing you do?

I wake up every day at 8am. The absolute first thing I do is make myself a double shot of espresso. No better way to get the body going than with espresso. I love the taste and there’s a lot to know about making a good shot of espresso. I enjoy geeking out on it.


Ok, getting into the day, what’s for breakfast and when are you eating it?

I typically eat two breakfasts before heading into the gym around 10am. One right when I get up, something small like a bowl of yogurt, berries and granola. I have a larger breakfast about 40-60 minutes before leaving for the gym. Sammy is always switching it up but it’s typically scrambled eggs or an omelette, fruit and a bagel or toast. Cream cheese on the bagel or strawberry jam on toast. 


What’s a typical workday like as a professional CrossFit athlete?

My work day is definitely not a typical 9-5. The “work day” starts the moment I wake and believe it or not, even through my sleep I’m “working” because recovery is important. The day starts with getting my body ready for the day, fueling appropriately with food and a GOWOD mobility flow or body work to get the body primed. Our training varies from day to day but the time spent at the gym on average is about 10am-2pm, a break for lunch and back for another session 4pm-6pm. I finish the day, it’s more fueling with dinner, hydrating and stretching rolling out as well as some much needed downtime with the TV playing my latest Netflix series. The TV shuts off at 10pm. I have a sleeping aid and read until I fall asleep. 


When you break for lunch, what are you having?

Lunch time varies depending on the training for the day but typically around 2pm. It’s likely a smoothie of bananas, coconut water and protein powder. Then a turkey sandwich with apples, sprouts and mayo. I love a good turkey sandwich with some apple slices inside, it’s a game changer. 


What’s one thing you do to create mental clarity throughout the day?

Thankfully, the days are so busy throughout the day there isn’t much time to be distracted by things outside my bubble. I do my best to keep my phone in my bag when I’m at the gym, it can just be a time-suck. You pull up Instagram between squat sets and then realize that 15 minutes have flown by. Most days, I just don’t have time to scroll. It’s more important to just get in the gym and get the work done. 


Who (if anyone) are we eating dinner with and what are you having?

Eating dinner with my sweetheart (and at-home chef) Sammy. She keeps me well-fed and dinner time is all about calories. You can find all the food she feeds me at @feedingthefrasers. Dinner time is a heap of rice, veggies and meat. Sammy changes it up nightly from steaks to pork chops. It’s a chore to eat some days with how much I need to eat to stay fueled but always grateful for the meals hot and ready. 


Bedtime routine, what is yours and when does your day end?

The day officially ends at 10pm. That’s when the TV goes off and the goal is winding down and setting myself up for a successful next day. Sleep is a big part of my daily recovery routine. I pour myself a hot cup of Beam Dream and read a book until I fall asleep. It was great helping bring the Dream product to life with the Beam team, I’m proud of it and it’s a big part of my recovery. 


What’s your favorite Beam product?

Dream. It was a product I worked with the Beam team to develop because I spend so much time throughout the day trying to amp up. I needed a product like this to support winding down. I also use the one before bed to aid in additional recovery and body support. 


What’s your favorite part of the day?

Favorite part of the day is training alongside Tia. She is in a league of her own and it’s great to have that level of company throughout the training day. 


Anything special you’re doing to prepare for the CrossFit Games?

Exactly what I’ve been doing for the last four years. Constantly evaluating my strengths and weaknesses and grinding to ensure I’m leaving no stone left unturned. I will be ready for whatever comes our way. 

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