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Day in the Life: Nicole Cogan

Day in the Life: Nicole Cogan

We snagged a few minutes with one of our favorite wellness bloggers, and OG Beam partner, Nicole Cogan to get an inside look at what a day in the life of @nobread looks like. Nicole started her blog and Instagram after suffering for years from a gluten allergy and later Celiacs disease. In exploring this new gluten-free life, Nicole creates city guides for the best gluten-free options, recipes turning her favorite treats GF, and so much more! 

Beam: What time do you wake up during the work week, and what's the first thing you do?

Nicole: I wake up around 7 a.m., and the first 30 minutes of my morning are always the same! I get a tall glass of water and take my probiotics and supplements, and my Beam tincture. Then I do emails while watching The Today Show, and have a small breakfast or handful of nuts (healthy fats) to kick start my metabolism. 

Ok, getting into the day, what’s for breakfast and when are we eating it?

Recently I’ve been loving Fast Bar, and I have one around 8 or 8:30. I’m always sooo hungry in the AM, and I’m trying to control that a little bit. These bars are helping! Mid-morning I’ll have a latte or fruit. 

What do you do for work, and how is your work day framed out?

Everyone knows me as @NOBREAD, the blogger running around eating and making fun gluten-free eats, working out, or doing some sort of cool wellness thing. Over the last year I’ve begun angel investing and started my own fund! It’s a lesser-known thing about me and I’ll be telling people more about it this year! 

When are we breaking for lunch and what are we having?

I like to have lunch at 1PM or so. I’m on a huge “make my own salad” kick right now. Greens, avocado, veggies, nuts. I’ve also been trying to do “vegan until dinner.” It’s new, and for no reason really, haha. If I don’t have a salad, I’ll have a smoothie. 

What’s one thing we do to create mental clarity throughout the day?

Establishing a morning routine and office hours. The morning routine starts my day on a healthy, positive note. My brain runs a mile a minute and I am the Queen of ‘lists.’ But if I don’t make time to sit down and work through my lists and write out my thoughts/work on all my projects, I’ll go crazy. Having office hours gives me structure and clarity!  

Who (if anyone) are we eating dinner with and what are we having?

Well I’ve been unintentionally living at my parents house as I ride out the pandemic, so for the last five months I’ve been having family dinners! My favorite meal that we have once a week without doubt is Cajun Salmon, roasted veggies, and rosemary potatoes. 

Bedtime routine, what is yours and when does your day end?

I try to put my phone and email down for at least an hour before I go to bed, and watch something light hearted to clear my mind! If I do work or am on social media too close to bed, I won’t fall asleep. My night always ends, AND I’M NOT JUST SAYING THIS, with Beam Dream pills or sleep powder

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