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Here’s What Happens When You’re Dehydrated

Here’s What Happens When You’re Dehydrated

Remember in the good ol’ days when we were all told we needed to drink eight cups of water per day to stay hydrated? How 90s!

The reality: the human body is made up of about 60% water, which helps our bodies to function properly starting at a cellular level. We need water to survive, and without it, we feel worse, we perform worse, and we live—well—worse! 

While you might think you’re on top of your hydration game, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated — many of whom don’t even know they’re not getting enough nourishing hydration to live optimally and balance their everyday wellbeing.

Here are some tell-tale signs that you might be a part of the dehydration club, and an easy way to get back to hydration’s center in no time:

What causes dehydration?


Dehydration is all about water in vs. water out. water loss in general is really normal. When you breathe, sweat, or go to the bathroom, you naturally lose water (which can be quickly replenished by drinking more water). However, losing water by even 1 or 2% is enough to cause symptoms of dehydration. Things like sweating too much after exercise, alcohol, too much sun, diabetes, and vomiting or diarrhea can make you more prone to dehydration if you’re not being mindful about your fluid intake.


Symptoms of dehydration


Classic signs of dehydration like dark urine, increased thirst, or feeling a little tired might just seem like small inconveniences that are easy to write off. Isn’t that how we all feel after a long day of video conference calls?  


Because all of our body’s vital organs are so heavily dependent on consistent hydration throughout the day in order to function properly, signs of dehydration can impact every part of the body. Fun fact: even your brain is made up of 70% water, so hydration affects your mind, body, and soul. 


Symptoms include:


  • Dry skin
  • Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so when it’s not getting the water it needs, the effects can be skin deep — itchy skin, fine lines and wrinkles, dark under-eye circles, just to name a few.


  • Bad breath
  • Water helps our bodies produce enough saliva to keep our mouths moisturized as well as cleanse our mouths of odor-causing bacteria. When you’re not able to produce enough saliva and end up with a dry mouth, bad breath has a chance to thrive.


  • Dark-colored urine
  • Think of urine as your body’s hydration mood ring. When it’s a lighter color, you are consuming enough water. Darker urine means your body is having a harder time flushing out toxins. If your urine is almost amber-colored, you may be suffering from severe dehydration.


  • Constipation
  • Water keeps things moving when properly hydrated, water is able to help you digest food as well as move waste along the digestive tract, which leaves you energized and balanced. When you’re dehydrated, your body has a harder time excreting waste, leaving you feeling sluggish, bloated, and potentially uncomfortable.


  • Thirst and hunger
  • When you’re feeling random hunger pangs, reach for a bottle of water before you reach for food. Thirst and hunger are both signs that your body is not getting enough fluid.


  • Fatigue
  • If you’re well-rested and still feeling tired, you’re likely not getting enough H2O. Dehydration can lead to low blood pressure, which can result in lethargy, fatigue, and tiredness.


  • Headache
  • You don’t need to be severely dehydrated to get a headache. Similar to fatigue, headaches can be caused by low blood pressure caused by dehydration.


    The best way to rehydrate


    Most of the time, the symptoms of dehydration (and dehydration itself) are easily remedied by just drinking more water. Depending on lifestyle, on average, men should be consuming about 16 cups of water per day while women should be consuming approximately 12 cups. If you are looking for a more immediate rehydration tool, get ready to welcome electrolytes into your life.


    Electrolytes are essential minerals in your blood that help to regulate blood pressure, muscle contractions, and overall system function. Not only do electrolytes help to restore the balance of fluids in your body post-dehydration, but they also improve overall endurance, increase health and wellbeing, and enhance physical performance.


    Beam’s brand new Elevate collection is taking a whole new approach to clean and effective electrolyte blends. 


    Formulated for better balance, performance, and recovery, our first non-hemp product line combines essential nutrients and minerals to complement every kind of lifestyle no matter where you are. Let the good flow from within.

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