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Keeping Hydrated While Doing CrossFit

CrossFit routine

Keeping up your CrossFit hydration can be challenging. With varied movements that require concentration, and constant action, it can be difficult to maintain your H20 intake while doing your CrossFit workout routine. Below, we have 3 tips for staying hydrated while workin’ on your fitness.

Squat. Pull. Push. Load. Distance. Speed. There’s a lot to concentrate on in the midst of your CrossFit workout routine, and it can sometimes be impossible to think straight when your body is pushed to its limit. That’s part of what makes CrossFit so compelling—that you’re required to be entirely in the moment. But if you’re finding yourself getting thirsty, cranky, or dehydrated after workouts, you may need to step up your H20 game. Here are our top tips for hydrating your CrossFit lifestyle.

Make CrossFit hydration convenient

You know that feeling when you’re dying for water, but your bottle is all the way across the room? Or worse, it’s empty, and the water fountain is too far away? Ignoring your desire for water out of convenience is one of the main causes of workout dehydration. But there’s a quick fix: bring a BIG water bottle, and put it somewhere close to your workout station. If your bottle is within arm’s reach, you’ll be more likely to take much-needed water breaks. Plus, when your eye falls on the bottle, you’ll be reminded to take sips.

Do the math

According to CrossFit Inner Loop, a CrossFit program that caters to all ages, hydration is an equation:

“The general rule is to drink about half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water or other hydrating fluids (read: not coffee) per day…You also need to take into account whether you have fluids you need to replenish (activity/sweat level). A good estimate is to add an additional 12-20 ounces of water (based on sweat level) for every hour of exercise you do.”

Who knew your CrossFit hydration required math?

Elevate your CrossFit workout routine

While H20 is vital to a healthy CrossFit lifestyle, sometimes water alone won’t cut it. Our Elevate Hydration Powders come in three flavors (each with a different function) to help give your water bottle the boost it needs. Aside from having specific ingredients that kick-start your workout, like caffeine for energy and collagen for recovery, it also contains electrolytes and coconut water to help your body stay ultra-hydrated. 

Staying hydrated is essential for a sustainable CrossFit lifestyle, and we’re here to help you power your potential—at the gym, and everywhere else. 

Stay hydrated: 


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