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Decoding Your Circadian Rhythm 

Decoding Your Circadian Rhythm 

We all have an internal clock, but how well do we understand it? 

Circa diem

Our circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle, part of our body’s internal clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. It comes from the Latin term “circa diem” meaning “around a day.” Makes sense, right?

And while it’s an internal process, our circadian rhythm can still be affected by things happening in our world — aka environmental cues. Light is a great example of an environmental cue that may trigger or disrupt that natural rhythm. 

When the sun goes down, our internal clock registers the dimming light and the body starts to produce melatonin. But when we stare at our phones before bed, that light is also sending signals to our brain to stay alert, suppressing relaxation. 

With a 24-hour work day, our circadian rhythm doesn’t take any breaks. But without healthy habits, the whole system can go out of whack. Here are a few things that might be affecting your body’s internal clock:

Irregular sleep schedule 
Traveling through different time zones
Screen time close to bedtime 
Late-afternoon or evening caffeine intake 

Happy habits 

Easy, daily habits can help your body’s internal clock, helping you feel alert during the day and relaxed at night. And because it’s a 24-hour cycle, these habits should be holistic, touching all points of the day — not just the few minutes before bed. 

Here are some ways to help maintain that healthy rhythm: 

Daily exercise

Besides the physical and mental health benefits of exercise, a few minutes of daily movement can also help support the circadian rhythm, making it that much easier to doze off at night. 

Cue the lights!

Exposure to natural light in the morning, whether through a walk or meditating in a sunny spot, can help your body understand it’s time to wake up and get that energy flowing. 

Okay, now dim those lights

When you’re ready to start the process of winding down, dimming the lights in your home will help signal to your internal clock that it’s almost bedtime. 

Same time tomorrow?

With many of us working from home and adjusting to new schedules, maintaining a daily bedtime (and wake-up time) can be tough. But when we stick to the same schedule each day, our bodies have less to adjust to, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up. 

Natural ingredients

Ingredients like Nano hemp, Reishi, Magnesium, L-Theanine, and Melatonin are friends to your circadian rhythm. They help to signal to your body that it’s time to shut down for the night, which is why we include them in our sleep remedy line.

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